This weekend was yet another indication and example of how absolutely insane and out of control summer has become. Let me explain - so, despite exhaustion from a mad week, we awoke early Saturday morning and hit the dump. From there we drove 30min in traffic to my parent's house to meet the boiler man. (A friend of ours who promised to take a look at their exploded oil burner - yes exploded.) A couple hours later, we're at the ATT store to consolidate more phone lines into our family plan. A half hour after that we're driving another 40min with heavier traffic back near home to the super market to pick up food for that afternoon's bbq. The store is madness and we barely escape with our lives and our food. On the way home we hit the liquor store. Then, finally home, we have barely enough time to shower, change, and cut up the veggies before heading out to the bbq. Traffic is horrible and we're a bit late to the bbq.
The bbq is fun and we eat and drink. Night falls and we dance and get ready to hit the town. So we drive another 20min to da club. Surprisingly energetic at 1am, we hit McD's on the way home, and then once at home, eagerly eat up and hit the hay.
Early Sunday AM. Mike's phone is ringing. We have to get up, wake up, drink water and get ready to eat clams at the annual Marconi Club Clam Bake. By 11:30, we're out the door and on our way - although still a bit groggy. But by the time the clams hit the table, we were feeling much better and each ate about 5 baskets. Arriving home at 3:30, we were bushed again and could do nothing but sit around watching TV. I slept for about three hours and could have slept for more, but forced myself to stay up until 10 at which time we finally went to bed.
So as you can tell by that madness - there was absolutely zero time for anything else! I'm lucky we managed to squeeze going to the dump in there!
This weekend though, I thought we were through with summer festivities. Ahhh, a weekend of work and relaxation ahead! And then Mike drops the bomb on me last night - fishing trip. Fishing trip?! Of course, not for me. It's one of those manly man fishing trips.
But then it hit me... What if.... what if I was to purchase the tile for the mudroom... and what if I had my dad come over on Saturday since he's not working Saturdays anymore to help me put it in.... (he used to own his own tile and carpet business and also did our kitchen tile) It's only Tuesday. And at this point a lot is riding on the fact that I have to do some financial juggling after paying off the DeepHo card last week.... But what an opportunity.
I'm glad I have some time to think on it....
13 products that will make your life easier
Bookmark this travel packing list because you’ll want to refer to it as
your trip gets closer. It’ll serve as a tool to tell you exactly what to
pack, whet...
8 months ago
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