It has been raining for days. Stupid Nor'Easter. It's really got me feeling down... and lazy! Saturday was the last good day I had.
But let me start back on Friday. I had the pleasure of getting out of work early, so went home and primed one entire exterior wall of the garage. It looks really good, although it took an entire gallon of cover-all primer for two coats. (The formerly blue painted garage really needed two coats to cover that old smelly color.) I could have painted more on Saturday, but I didn't want to spend any more money. Not even on a little 'ol gallon of paint.
I figure if I buy a gallon every week and keep doing one wall at a time, the whole thing will be primed in no time. And then comes the actual paint part. It's going to be an off white with green shutters. That's my color scheme goal on the house too. So for a little while it's going to look pretty unmatched - a blue house and a white garage with green shutters. But oh well. It'll look a heck of a lot better than a blue house with a really run down gross ew disgusting garage.
Back to Saturday. We called early to see if we could burn and spent the remainder of the day by the fire, putting in all the branches we could pull out from the yard and the hole. (Yes, our far backyard is a hole - not just a Sh*t hole, an actual hole.) It was a little frustrating because I really wanted to get more accomplished inside the house. But with our neighbors still working on the drywall and us low on cash, there was nothing we could do.
Near the end of the day we pulled out a few stumps - making our stump pile officially huge and eyesoric. I think in the coming weeks we'll just throw all the stumps in the truck and take 'em away. Because we've got at least 10 and they take forever to burn - if they burn at all!
After the stumps, I made Mike call our friend Nick Mitchell - landscaping/excavating/etc extraordinaire - to get an estimate on loam/spreading loam/hydroseed for the entire yard - front, back, side EVERYTHING. I don't know if we'll be able to afford the whole thing, but I don't want to miss my spring window of opportunity to get grass. Especially with all this rain we've been having. It's probably the perfect time right now.
Hopefully, Nick will be able to come take a look at the yard soon. He was supposed to come on Sunday and then Monday - but he didn't, so Mike will probably stop by his house to see what's up today or tomorrow.
I know it seems like we got a lot accomplished, but I was still feeling a little gray at the end of Saturday. Sunday was a waste. Monday I didn't get any work done, but the neighbors were back to work on the drywall in the evening. They said they could come back on Thursday for the last coat and sand... or maybe it's just sanding, which would be awesome because I'd love to paint all weekend and then spend next week on the wood floor/getting the upstairs back to normal.
Ah normal. What a foreign concept!
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